first post.
I've had this blog for awhile now, but I never knew what to do with it. [Truth to be told - I completely forgot about it until someone reminded me of it]. I am quite a lazy person when it comes to write stuff about myself, so I never do that anywhere, and yet there are things I just cannot stop from doing, such as: editing stuff through photoshop, giving reviews to movies, shows and books and other useless things. So, I've thought about it and decided that I might, actually, write my annoying reviews on here, and sometimes post my creations.
Since it's a "new" blog - that means that I have zero [to one] readers so far, but we'll work on that.
You have one reader now. XD -demands more and more rants-
ONE MORE READER x3 Car honnetement, je ne pouvais pas resister xD
Mdr. T'es trop mignonne. :)
Aha! Ben, j'essaie de l'etre xD
I have to say I have always been a fan of Vampires. My fav and forgive if i misspell but I am extremely tired. Nosferatu. I am talking about the original silent film. I cannot tell you how many people it scared when it first came out. People have read books about vampire but were not used to seeing them on the screen. There have been many movies and books about vampire and the main rules no matter what has been changed. Sunlight burns the living fuck out of them. I will always look at rule number two. What the hell was she thinking when she said love about vampire. Now I know my friends made fun of Buffy because Spike felt love. Well he sort of felt it but if you looked, he was obsessed. Look at things, she was the only slayer he could not kill and it turned into a fantasy for him to bone her. Spike even tried to rape Buffy in one episode. The only reason she did not stake him is because one, spike resembled Billy Idol, I even fooled everyone on mypsace with a pic of Billy Idol on a throne and everyone went berserk over it thinking it was Spike XD. I will tell you now. Vampires no matter how much involved they get, they cannot feel pure and true love. They can have an imitation form of love. They will have mates, those they have sex with, a form of lust and burning desire. They will have intimate feelings for those they grow fond of, thus you have familiars, humans whom work for them with the promise of being turned a vampire. They are evil beings. I can only say only Angel felt love and that is because his soul was returned. We have two things about the movie that fucked with vampire Lore majorly and the writer should be bitch slapped and bitch slapped hard. You have no burning in the sun, and you have highly emotional feelings of love. Excuse me, he was stalking. >.> Not lets get onto other things. You have entering a home without being invited. That is three. Now some movies do not put all the lore of vampires Like if you throw a lot of things infront of the vampire, like thousands of needles. He/she will have to count them all for some odd reason, i do not know why. Where is the crosses, where is having to untie knots. Where is the staking them, and how in the living hell is Edward walking in the sun without covering himself like Spike did in the series. It even showed spike smoking like a bunsen fucking burner. We have the Aurther taking hundreds of years of Vampire Lore and throwing it out the window to make her own little species of vampire. I have news honey. They ain't vampires. I don't know what the fuck they are. Sparkling fairies? I know that every female loved the movie only for one reason. The hot actor. if you stuck an average joe, like Nicholas Cage as Edward, and have jack Nicholson as jacob black or maybe a younger actor, sorry. Just picture your normal actor, maybe Adom Sandler as jacob black. this movie would have utterly failed, I mean fucking failed, no sequels, no nothing. You know why. It sucks. you have average Jo's on Blade the movie and yes women drool over the man that plays Deacon frost well that was not the case. Nobody gave a flying fuck that the man playing Deacon frost was hot, it actually had a good storyline that people till this day talk about and debate about. You have people debating about Blade 2 and 3 also Some like it, some hate it but the thing is, it got sequels and a lot of fans of every style of people and age group. twilight has no reason to exist except to get teenage females wet. I really have to say the Actors disappoint me if that does it for them. Having the majority of the fan girls being 12 to 17 years of age drooling. -_- I mean thats sort of disturbing they take pride in that. >.> I rest my case. All of this Twilight business is a peice of trash and the only way i would watch it is if my girlfriend paid for the movie, paid for popcorn, and told me I am getting laid big time with a three way afterward. -_- I would still have to think about it even then.
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